Message From Acting CEO

NESDO Sambridha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd is Promoted by National Educational Social Development Organization, NESDO Nepal along with 82 Promoters. NSLBSL was incorporated under Company Act-2063 as a Public Limited Company with the mandate to operate as a “D” Class National Level Micro finance Institutions within the frame work of  The Bank  Financial Institutions Act (BFIA)-2073. NSLBSL Started its operation from 21 Falgun
2075(5th March 2019).When I talk about NESDO Sambridha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd, it will be unfair if I will not remember NESDO Nepal, when I look back ,It reminds me, in what difficult situation NESDO Nepal started its journey from a remote Village of Parbat districts of Nepal called Bajung,  birth place of Mr. Bishwa Prakash Prasai ,founder chairperson . After completing his graduation in Law he and with his 27 friends decided to registered a NOG Named NESDO Nepal with an objective to serve the poor, marginalized community of Nepal. Over the years NESDO Nepal has been able to overcome difficulties it faced and developed many economic, social and safety nets, service dedicated to towards improving the socio-economic conditions of the poor people. NESDO Nepal as its very nomenclature is likely to denote is an organization primarily devoted to create or assist in employment opportunities or income –generating activities in the remote hilly rural area of Nepal.


NESDO Sambridha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd is Promoted by National Educational & Social Development Organization, NESDO Nepal. NSLBSL   was incorporated under Company Act-2063 as a Public Limited Company with the mandate to operate as a “D” Class  National Level Micro finance Institutions within the frame work of  The Bank & Financial Institutions Act (BFIA)-2073.  The Authorized Capital of NSLBSL is Rs.50 Crore and its Issued and Paid-Up  Capital is Rs.255,000,000/-. NESDO Nepal holds 47.05% of total shares in NSLBSL. In Total there are 83 Promoters of NSLBSL .The Promoter of NSLBSL are NESDO Nepal ,Prabhu Bank and 81 Person from different section of the Society. NSLBSL Started its operation from 5th March 2019,as on that date  all the micro finance activities of NESDO Nepal transferred to NESDO Sambridha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. At present NSLBSL served 78 thousands ultra-poor families reside in the remote area of Nepal through is 56 branch offices located in  17 districts. 

NSLBSL At a Glance, As on 12th April, 2024

Working Districts 77
Local Bodies Outreach 266
Total No of Branch Office 56
Number of Centers 6238
Number of Active Clients 77187
Number of Borrowers 34621
Total Loan Disbursed (NPR) 41475.17Million
Total Loan Outstanding (NPR) 4114.04 Million
Total Savings (NPR)  2464.45Million
Total Staffs 280
Total Female Staff 165


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Our Services


NSLBS has several saving products and schemes to encourage members


NSLBS has a range of loan products both non-collateral and collateral.


NSLBS provides money transfer services to its members and other community people